
I love this. I adored Dr Seuss books growing up, and I haven’t thought about the power of Seuss for a while – how powerful the written word can be and how healing in body and mind 🙂

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Thinking to help my son heal his speech right
I had sent out a call on the Freecycle site…
Every day for a week I was checking to see
If anyone local might have some books free.

Remembering childhood and tongue-twisting ditties
I set the request to go out to three cities
Quite soon, sure enough, an address I could look up,
And dive across town to be picking a book up.

It didn’t take long till we had a collection
Addressing lacunae in diction’s defection.
Each morning we’d read and he’d make his lips wriggle
And both, unsuccessfully, try not to giggle.

We read about Sleeping and yawns under noses
And Foxes with Soxes to cover their toes-es,
We read about Green Eggs and Ham and the Cat
Who had juggled the goldfish and then doffed his Hat.

We wrangled with words and with pronunciation
Till it was apparent…

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